


The control, supervision and acquisition of data for the hydropower plants arranged on the course of a river requires the implementation of a SCADA system.
We ensure the development and implementation of such SCADA systems for the three levels of automation;
Level 1: SCADA system for each individual hydraulic plant
Level 2: SCADA system for the control room of the energy dispatcher
Level 3: SCADA system of the energy dispatcher of the entire geographical area

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SCADA Software
scada for steel industry

Automation for the steel industry

Automation for the steel industry

The steel industry is the environment where the most complex SCADA solutions can be applied, starting with the field area (where the data is collected), the acquisition area (programmable automata), the supervision and control area (Human Machine Interface), the work area of decisions (mathematical models) and ending with resource planning and management (ERP).

The previously specified areas are divided into three levels of automation such as:
-Level 0: field area;
-Level 1: PLC + HMI;
-Level 2: Decision-making area (implementation of mathematical models);
-Level 3: resource planning and management (ERP).

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Automation is already widely used in the automotive sector and in addition to industrial robots used in manufacturing processes, we also mention the MP400 presses integrated in the manufacturing processes of profiles based on molds.

Older automated systems produce dead work times and implicitly financial losses, considering that related production lines can stop due to the defects of obsolete components. Their purchase is becoming more and more difficult considering that they are no longer manufactured over time. In addition, their replacement or reprogramming requires a long and expensive process. The malfunction of the technological process far exceeds the cost of replacing the faulty system.
The services we offer cover the replacement and reprogramming of old automation systems such as PLC/SCADA/ HMI. WEBICC SCADA is the perfect solution for monitoring technological parameters considering the multitude of communication protocols it contains. We acquire the operating logic of the existing technological process and transpose it into the new automation system with the necessary new improvements.

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scada factory

Food industry factories

Food industry factories

We implement automation systems for edible oil refineries with raw material processing technologies such as sunflower seeds sunflower for obtaining finished products such as: crude oil, bulk refined oil, bottled oil and for obtaining secondary products: oil, fatty acids, pellets.
We automate bottling lines for PET bottles.
We implement automatic monitoring and control systems of industrial food processes in pasta factories, bakeries , sweets, etc
Through our WEBICC SCADA type software applications, we provide the necessary information for the technological operators in order to have absolute control of the processes food technology.

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Pumping stations

Pumping stations

We design and implement automation systems using WEBICC SCADA for SPAU type pumping stations. We design and implement automation systems using WEBICC SCADA for SPAU type pumping stations. For each automated pumping station we provide: GSM/GPRS data communication; Fault states for each pump; Operating mode: manual/automatic; Hours of operation; Equalization of operating hours for pairs of pumps; Maximum/minimum levels of collecting basins; Start counter, if any; Spinning pumps; Maintaining a constant pressure according to the requirement in the field.

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Regional dispatches

Regional dispatches

Regional integrated SCADA solutions for the centralized management of information related to water supply and sewage systems in urban agglomerations.
The WEBICC SCADA Regional system ensures the monitoring and control of the basic parameters from the cost units:
– water treatment stations
– sewage treatment plants
– wastewater pumping stations.

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scada water treatment

Waste water treatment stations / potable water treatment

Waste water treatment stations / potable water treatment

Visualization and local and remote control of any specific technological parameter
treatment stations and waste water purification.
The WEBICC SCADA systems, used by us in water treatment systems, are modern tools used to supervise and control the technological processes that take place in such a system. WEBICC SCADA applications reduce the image of the technological process to a dynamic and static graphic interface that facilitates rigorous local and remote control for all participating members such as: operators
technologists, engineers, electricians, management staff.
Our company designs, develops and implements automation systems for managing processes
technological from:
– Local Dispatch
– Regional Dispatches

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Extraction of hydrocarbons

Extraction of hydrocarbons

Remote monitoring of the operation of hydrocarbon extraction wells in the oil field: vibration analysis, energy consumption, extracted quantities, etc.
What were we monitoring?
1. Oil purity monitoring
80% of defects are based on the phenomenon of abrasive mechanical wear caused by lack of lubrication or incorrect lubrication.
tracking and limiting the phenomenon of abrasive wear is done by monitoring and reducing the number of particles in the oil.
water and air in the oil exponentially amplify the phenomena of mechanical abrasion wear.
maintaining the lubricant in a correct degree of purity and humidity is the main preventive means of mechanical maintenance.
2. Vibration monitoring.
90% of mechanical defects are manifested by the appearance of a vibrating regime that amplifies with the amplification of the defect.
monitoring the vibratory regime of a mechanical assembly can detect the appearance of a defect from the very beginning.
vibration analysis is the main means of establishing corrective measures in a system (the defective part is located and replaced before a chain reaction effect, disastrous in the long term, occurs).
3. The purity and humidity of the oil
Using an HDU system from CC Jensen with a high filtration fineness (3μm absolute) and an increased retention capacity (4kg impurities/filter element)

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Smart agriculture

Smart agriculture

Monitoring of specific parameters: soil moisture, wind direction, temperature, leaf moisture, etc. Local and remote control, in manual/automatic mode, of watering equipment The modernization of the irrigation infrastructure involves automation with local and remote operation of Hydrants and related Antennas , the design, machining, assembly and commissioning of each automation panel for operating the solenoid valves, development and commissioning of software applications for PLC, HMI and SCADA, programming of the frequency converters involved in the automation system. It is necessary to design a system for monitoring the technical parameters through which to obtain a automatic operation of the pumping station depending on the moisture level of the cultivated soil. The software analyzes the information and decides the operating schedule of the pumping station and consequently also of the watering antennas.

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