


The control, supervision and acquisition of data for the hydropower plants arranged on the course of a river requires the implementation of a SCADA system.
We ensure the development and implementation of such SCADA systems for the three levels of automation;
Level 1: SCADA system for each individual hydraulic plant
Level 2: SCADA system for the control room of the energy dispatcher
Level 3: SCADA system of the energy dispatcher of the entire geographical area

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SCADA Software

Regional dispatches

Regional dispatches

Regional integrated SCADA solutions for the centralized management of information related to water supply and sewage systems in urban agglomerations.
The WEBICC SCADA Regional system ensures the monitoring and control of the basic parameters from the cost units:
– water treatment stations
– sewage treatment plants
– wastewater pumping stations.

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scada water treatment

Waste water treatment stations / potable water treatment

Waste water treatment stations / potable water treatment

Visualization and local and remote control of any specific technological parameter
treatment stations and waste water purification.
The WEBICC SCADA systems, used by us in water treatment systems, are modern tools used to supervise and control the technological processes that take place in such a system. WEBICC SCADA applications reduce the image of the technological process to a dynamic and static graphic interface that facilitates rigorous local and remote control for all participating members such as: operators
technologists, engineers, electricians, management staff.
Our company designs, develops and implements automation systems for managing processes
technological from:
– Local Dispatch
– Regional Dispatches

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Extraction of hydrocarbons

Extraction of hydrocarbons

Remote monitoring of the operation of hydrocarbon extraction wells in the oil field: vibration analysis, energy consumption, extracted quantities, etc.
What were we monitoring?
1. Oil purity monitoring
80% of defects are based on the phenomenon of abrasive mechanical wear caused by lack of lubrication or incorrect lubrication.
tracking and limiting the phenomenon of abrasive wear is done by monitoring and reducing the number of particles in the oil.
water and air in the oil exponentially amplify the phenomena of mechanical abrasion wear.
maintaining the lubricant in a correct degree of purity and humidity is the main preventive means of mechanical maintenance.
2. Vibration monitoring.
90% of mechanical defects are manifested by the appearance of a vibrating regime that amplifies with the amplification of the defect.
monitoring the vibratory regime of a mechanical assembly can detect the appearance of a defect from the very beginning.
vibration analysis is the main means of establishing corrective measures in a system (the defective part is located and replaced before a chain reaction effect, disastrous in the long term, occurs).
3. The purity and humidity of the oil
Using an HDU system from CC Jensen with a high filtration fineness (3μm absolute) and an increased retention capacity (4kg impurities/filter element)

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Smart agriculture

Smart agriculture

Monitoring of specific parameters: soil moisture, wind direction, temperature, leaf moisture, etc. Local and remote control, in manual/automatic mode, of watering equipment The modernization of the irrigation infrastructure involves automation with local and remote operation of Hydrants and related Antennas , the design, machining, assembly and commissioning of each automation panel for operating the solenoid valves, development and commissioning of software applications for PLC, HMI and SCADA, programming of the frequency converters involved in the automation system. It is necessary to design a system for monitoring the technical parameters through which to obtain a automatic operation of the pumping station depending on the moisture level of the cultivated soil. The software analyzes the information and decides the operating schedule of the pumping station and consequently also of the watering antennas.


Monitoring of wind turbines

Monitoring of wind turbines

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing technologies in the renewable energy sector and its use is gaining momentum. New wind farms are being built all over the world all the time. As the number of installed wind turbines increases, so does the need for remote monitoring and maintenance. WEBICC SCADA offers a remote picture of their operation by collecting technical data in real time with the aim of avoiding unplanned failures. The more efficient the service routines and maintenance work, the more economically the wind farm can be operated. With the WEBICC SCADA system you can control entire wind farm systems from all over the world to keep them running as long as possible.


Solutions for the management of consumed energy.

Solutions for the management of consumed energy

The delimitation of individual energy consumption from a unitary energy system can be achieved through an automatic system for managing these consumptions. The management of energy consumption means reading, acquisition, recording, processing and display in real time or through reports.
– The reading of data on energy consumption is carried out by means of intelligent measuring devices;
– Data acquisition is carried out with the help of data concentrators;
– Data recording is performed with the help of data server type software applications installed on local servers or in the Cloud;
– Display of consumption is done through SCADA/HMI software interfaces;
– Consumption reports can be printed on paper or in electronic format.
– elimination of reading mistakes made by the human factor – the data is recorded automatically;
– all invoices with the price of energy consumption are generated automatically;
– elimination of invoicing mistakes;
– the possibility of keeping the database with the recorded data for an unlimited period of time;
– the radical shortening of the time for creating invoices – practically the duration is dependent only on the printing speed of the printer;
– the system is designed to be simple to use and therefore the learning time is reduced to just a few minutes;
– it is not necessary to hire a specialized person – it can be operated by people with elementary education in working with the computer.

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Energy management systems

Energy management systems

• Energy management systems offer you the possibility of managing the company’s energy resources. These systems are managed by computers that allow, through the software, a lot of functions such as the calculation of the costs of the energy consumed, alarms when certain limits are exceeded (e.g. network voltage, power consumed, etc.), monitoring of certain quantities, automatic disconnection of some consumers.

• The manager or a designated technical manager, have the possibility to follow exactly the actual consumption of electricity, to change their electricity billing tariff, if it does not fall within the optimal tariff, to calculate their specific electricity consumption, on machines, on production lines, on auxiliary installations or on the entire electrical installation.

• The energy balance is a practical way of expressing the principle of energy conservation and highlights the equality between the energies entering and exiting the analyzed contour for a certain period of time.

• In this sense, the energy regime of each receiver (electric motor, electric ovens, industrial machinery, lighting devices) is evaluated separately, on each distribution board, up to the general electrical supply board (at the closing of the energy supply circuit ). A summation of the actual energy consumption per receiver, per machine, per installation and switchboard, per section and per assembly is drawn up.

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Remote monitoring of specific parameters

Remote monitoring of specific parameters

Efficient energy management is more important than ever to minimize both
CO2 emissions and save costs. Those who reduce their consumption of resources and energy have
a significant contribution to the environment and to obtaining benefits from a use
rational. WEBICC SCADA allows monitoring of all energy consumption regardless of
their nature with the aim of making them more efficient. With WEBICC you can get:
– Automatic invoicing of energy consumption;
– Allocating costs to cost centers.
– Monitoring of all energy consumption
– Production management by real-time recording of consumption data directly in
production process;

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